How to get access to DFL or Fabrication Shop

Need Access to the Fabrication Shop?

Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the shop or email ( or and provide your CalNet email address to be added to the Fabrication Shop bCourse.

  2. In the bCourse, complete the following:

    • Review the Fab Shop General Orientation Module
    • Pass the Fab Shop General Orientation Quiz
    • Submit the Waiver of Liability
    • Sign up for and attend an in-person General Orientation Hands-On Training session
  3. Pay your access fee at room 477.

Important Notes:

  • The orientation schedule is available via Google Calendar on the homepage of the Fab Shop bCourse.
  • In-person orientations require a minimum of 4 students to proceed. We encourage you to coordinate with other students when signing up to avoid last-minute cancellations due to low attendance.
  • Orientations are held during the first 4 weeks of each semester and are only required once during your time at Berkeley.
  • Access fees must be renewed each semester.


Need Access to the Digital Fabrication Lab?

Follow these steps to gain access:

  1. Complete the General Digital Fabrication Lab Policies and Laser Policy Review module in the CED Digital Fabrication Lab bCourse. To get invited:

  2. Attend an In-Person General Orientation (you will be prompted to sign up after completing the bCourse module).

  3. Pay the Lab Fee.

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24-Sep-2024 3:53pm
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