Computer Lab Policies

By using the equipment in a computer lab, you agree to abide by these and other policies posted on, inside, outside, beside, nearby, or around applicable doors, spaces, surfaces, and equipment.

Computing Security

  • These university policies extend to the computing spaces and resources within CED:
  • Never share your Cal 1 Card or CalNet password with anyone.
  • To protect university resources and your privacy, always completely log out of a computer before leaving the room.
  • Computers automatically log out after 35 minutes of inactivity.
  • CED-IIT staff may log out unattended computers without notice.
  • Unsaved changes to open files are lost during automatic and unattended logouts.


  • Card Key + Login Access: A CED Computing + Printing Account is required for card key access to the door and CalNet login access to the computers. Learn more about the CED Computing + Printing Account.
  • Temporary Login During Class: If you do not have a CED Computing + Printing Account and you’re enrolled in a class in a CED computer lab, your instructor will provide you with temporary login credentials that you can use during class time.


  • Food & Drink: No food or drink is permitted, other than water in an enclosed container.
  • Smoking: Smoking is prohibited on the UC Berkeley campus, including within Bauer Wurster Hall. Learn more about UC Berkeley's no-smoking policy.
  • Tidy Up: Clean up your workspace before you leave.
  • Trash: Discard your trash, compostables, and recyclables in the proper bins inside and/or outside the lab.
  • Audio: Use headphones if you need audio.

Equipment Misuse

  • Cables: Do not disconnect any cable from any device unless you personally connected it in the first place.
  • Analog Materials and Methods: Do not cut, glue, spray, paint, or use other wet media on our around computer desks or computing equipment.
  • Printer Paper: Do not remove paper from printer trays or plotter rolls or use this paper for any purpose other than printing on CED printers.
  • Paper Cutters: Cut only paper on the rotary paper cutters. Do not cut any other type of media. Ensure paper is no thicker than a stack of 5 sheets of standard printer paper. 
  • Financial Responsibility: Individuals who damage CED property due to negligence or abuse may be found financially responsible by the CED Dean’s Office. 

Door Security 

  • Bauer Wurster Hall is open to the public.
  • Keep the Door Closed: Do not prop the lab door open or block the latch.
  • Close the Door When You Leave: Always close the lab door when you leave.
  • Don’t Grant Access to Others: Do not unlock or open the lab door for anyone but yourself. Those who need card key access to the lab already have it or may request it from the CED Student Tech Center in room 477.

Class Time 

  • This is a classroom and a student work room.
  • Scheduled classes take priority over student work time.
  • Log out, gather your belongings, and exit the lab at least 15 minutes before a class is scheduled to begin.
  • Do not enter the lab or remain inside while a class is in progress (unless you are enrolled in the class). See when a lab is reserved for a class.


  • Rendering on an unattended lab computer is prohibited.
  • Rendering on a lab computer during class time is prohibited (unless you are enrolled in the class).
  • Violators are subject to administrative logout without notice.
  • For unattended rendering, use the CED Render Farm. Learn more about the CED Render Farm.

Your Files

  • CED-IIT does not automatically delete your locally saved files and settings when you log out, however…
  • Your files are your responsibility. It's good practice to save your files to a high-speed, personal storage device.
  • CED-IIT does not back up locally saved files, so they could be lost in the event of user error, hardware failure, or other catastrophe.
  • All computers have a finite amount of internal storage. At times, CED-IIT might need to erase a computer or take it out of service without notice.

Your Belongings

  • CED is not responsible for lost or stolen personal belongings, including materials related to your coursework such as print jobs, models, drawings, tools, and materials.
  • “Lost and found” items are taken to the CED Facilities Office in room 117 for short-term storage.
  • Unclaimed items are recycled, discarded, or donated once a year at the end of each spring semester.


  • CED Facilities: desks, chairs, windows and blinds, electrical, HVAC, door mechanisms, waste bins, cleaning/custodial
  • CED-IIT: computers, software, scanners, printers, card key readers, logging in, IT security, rotary paper cutters
  • CED A/V: projection systems, speaker systems, webcams, microphones

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30-Aug-2024 10:15am
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